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Mascoma Valley Parks & Recreation

Gentle yoga classes are offered at the Mascoma Community Health Center (MCHC), and once a month online through Zoom. Beginners are always welcome.
Schedule for January:
January 4 Sonya @ MCHC
January 11 Sonya @ MCHC
January 18 Erin on ZOOM
January 25 Sonya @ MCHC
*Please note:
Online Zoom classes begin at 5:30 pm
In-person classes begin at 5:45 pm
To sign up for classes:
Zoom classes:
In person classes:
Zoom classes, 5:30pm, no charge, optional donation to MCHC.
In person classes at MCHC, 5:45pm, $12 adults/$10 seniors and students.
In person classes at MCHC will be limited to 6 students. Please sign up on line. No drop ins.
Masks must be worn at all times. There is hand sanitizer available in the entryway.
Please bring your own filled water bottle, yoga mat and any other props you would like to use (blocks, strap, blanket). No props will be available.
Students will set up yoga mats at least 8 feet apart in the Physical Medicine room.
Please remember: If you have a cough, are running a fever, or have been exposed to someone who has been diagnosed with COVID-19 or is experiencing COVID-19 symptoms please do not come to class.
Please bring a check made out to Erin or Sonya (depending on who is teaching) or cash in the exact amount ($12 per class or $10 senior/student). No change will be available. Erin’s Zoom classes are no charge, with optional donation to MCHC.
Happy and Healthy New Year!!
Fall is here with outdoor hiking, biking and kayaking, so please remember to stay hydrated if you are participating in physical activity. We encourage our community members to get outside and go for a walk, run or a bike ride – use the Northern Rail Trail or any of the local hiking/walking trails in the Mascoma Valley.
Please follow the social distancing recommendations from the CDC to keep you and other members of the community safe (they are listed at the end of this Regional Recreation Update). Please refer to each town’s website for updated information on which parks and beaches are open for public use.
Canaan: www.canaannh.org
Enfield: www.enfield.nh.us/
MVPR is assessing the risk of starting up a handful of our usual programs, but we want to make sure we are doing everything we can to keep our instructors and participants safe. Stay active, stay safe and stay healthy!
Please contact the Enfield Recreation Director if you have any questions. The email address is recreation@enfield.nh.us
Get Outside:
Please refer to each town’s individual website for updated information on park and gathering rules. We respectfully ask that you follow the guidelines and rules established to help keep everyone safe!
If you decide to head out to a public park or go for walk/bike/run on a public trail, please follow the recommendations from the National Recreation & Parks Association to help keep you safe on our public trails and in our public parks.
Recommendations for trail users on observing social distancing minimums:
• Follow CDC’s guidance on personal hygiene prior to heading to trails — wash hands, carry hand sanitizer, do not use trails if you have symptoms, cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing, etc.
• Observe at all times CDC’s minimum recommended social distancing of six feet from other people. Practice it and know what it looks like. Keep it as you walk, bike or hike.
• Warn other trail users of your presence and as you pass to allow proper distance and step off trails to allow others to pass, keeping minimum recommended distances at all times. Signal your presence with your voice, bell or horn.
• Note that trail and park users may find public restrooms closed — be prepared before you leave and time outings so that you are not dependent on public restrooms
• Bring water or drinks — public drinking fountains may be disabled and should not be used, even if operable.
• Bring a suitable trash bag. Leave no trash, take everything out to protect park workers

The Mascoma region is full of outdoor recreation opportunities that you can participate in and still be compliant with social distancing (maintaining 6 feet of space) - For folks who are comfortable going outdoors and have not been told to stay home, we encourage you to stay active by walking, running, hiking or biking on local trails.
Below is a short list of local outdoor recreation opportunities and links to find more information about how to access them. There are lots of other outdoor recreation opportunities and we would be happy to share them with you if you interested!
Go for a walk along the Rail Trail or just meander around your back yard - whatever you are comfortable with! The NH Audubon has just launched their spring "Seek & Find - Spring Nature Challenge" - the first challenge involves spotting turkeys. Learn more about this fun outdoor challenge through this link: http://www.nhaudubon.org/get-outside/seek-and-find-spring-nature-challenge/
In addition to getting outdoors, we are also recommending that you try and continue your yoga practice or fitness routine at home! Our fabulous yoga instructors have provided links to some of their favorite online yoga and meditation classes - take advantage of their years of knowledge and experience and continue your yoga practice at home!
Online Meditation Classes & Stress Management Resources: Ten Percent Happier is offering a free Coronavirus Sanity Guide, designed to help you cope with this moment of uncertainty and anxiety- https://www.tenpercent.com/coronavirussanityguide They are also offering a live "sanity break" every weekday at 3pm - check out the link for more details.
Free Yoga & Meditation Classes Online: Ekhart Yoga is offering 12 free yoga and meditation classes, specifically designed to help relieve stress and anxiety - https://relief.ekhartyoga.com/
MVPR is also starting a virtual yoga group on Facebook to help encourage our community members to stay active and continue their yoga practices at home! Like and follow our event to join in. We have a 9am and 4pm virtual yoga class planned each day!
Virtual Yoga Class - MVPR Facebook Event: Like and follow the MVPR Virtual Yoga Facebook Event and make a commitment to practice yoga in your home while our in-person classes are not being offered. Encourage a friend to join you! We will post new links in the discussion section and welcome others to share classes they've enjoyed - https://www.facebook.com/events/215966
Stay active, stay safe & stay healthy!
-MYSL Board
Katharine Lary Jopek
Regional Recreation Coordinator
Mascoma Valley Parks and Recreation
Online Registration https://mvpr.recdesk.com/Community/Home
MVPR Facebook Page
Learn about Area Events & Opportunities for Cultural & Physical life Enrichment.
To have your local organization or community event added to the next newsletter, please email: mvalleyrec@gmail.com. Our goal is to provide the community with a comprehensive guide of all the great activities and events happening in the Mascoma Valley.
To learn more about local events and attractions, go to the VISIT CANAAN Page.
Thank You!
Mascoma Valley Parks & Recreation would like to thank the Mascoma Bank Donation and Sponsorship Committee for their generous donation and support of our local recreation summer camp. Without their support, our camp would not have been able to provide transportation for field trips and camp outings to great places like a NH Fisher Cats Baseball Game, the Montshire Museum, Lebanon Memorial Pool and a number of NH hiking destinations. On behalf of the camp staff, the campers and Mascoma Valley Parks & Recreation - THANK YOU MASCOMA BANK!
Canaan Recreation Commission
Please consider joining the Recreation commission. Meetings are regularly held the third Wednesday of the month at 7:30pm at the Town Conference Room. Canaan Recreation Commission is seeking support and feedback from community members regarding current programs and several new programs and events that will be added during 2019 and 2020.
In 2019 we have restarted after school arts and craft programs, started an introductory Cheer leading program, hosted a science fair including a performance by Science Tellers, hosted an Easter egg hunt, held an ice cream social and games in the park, offered swim lessons and extended the Canaan Recreation Summer Camp program hours as well as added an extra week to the schedule and continue to run a successful after-school program hosted at Canaan Elementary school .
There is a tentative plan for adding more after school activities for the Canaan Elementary School youth including a fall and spring theater club, monthly arts and crafts sessions September-April, a Garden Club, as well as other interest area activities. We are planning on hosting Group Hikes this fall at The Canaan Town Trail and Cardigan Mountain, Halloween event and Vacation Camps for the 2020 February and April School Vacation weeks.
We are in need of more ideas for adult activities and of course any other ideas and suggestions.
Canaan Recreation Coordinator
Canaan Afterschool Program 2020
CASP provides a structured environment for kindergarten through fourth grade students to be active, safe and to have fun after their school day at Canaan Elementary School. Homework will also be supported by CASP staff at parent’s request. Children will participate in outdoor/indoor play, arts and crafts, games and special activities.
CASP is not in session during school closings or snow days.
Monday – Friday, 3:15 – 6:00 pm
Cost: $10:00 day for regular school days Early Release Day Charge: $15:00
Drop-In Policy: Parents may request afterschool care for an unexpected need. Student must be already registered and there must be available space.
You can download a Canaan Afterschool Program Application on here. You can also pick up an application at Canaan Elementary School or at the Canaan Town Office.
Contact the Program Administrator, Tammy Daley, at tdaley@mvrsd.org for more information.
Ongoing Programs:
Click on Events Titles for Details!
Click this link if you need a Mascoma Valley Parks & Rec General Recreation Application Form.
Click this link to check if Online Registration is available.
Each form may be filled in, and then saved to your computer for printing or emailing as an attachment. After you have opened the form, roll your mouse along the bottom of your screen to view printing and saving icons.
Recreation Commission 2018 Report
In 2018 Canaan Recreation commission continued to run the Canaan After School Program (CASP), Canaan Summer Camp, swim lessons at Canaan Street Beach. The Canaan recreation Commission partnered with Mascoma Valley Recreation to launch a new summer camp hosted at the Mascoma Valley High School.

Canaan After school programs: The Canaan After School Program is run by a small group of very dedicated staff that provide a wonderful program that is fun, safe and structured. While attending CASP the students get outside and moving in every season. While down time and fun are a large part of the the program; scheduled homework and reading time is considered equally important. In 2018, the After School program continued to be hosted at Canaan Elementary School. We are continuing to look for additional space to use to grow this and other program. We are also working on expanding the program to possibly include February and April vacation weeks for the 2019-2020 school year. Other enriching activity options continued to be explored.

Summer Camp:Summer of 2018 brought with it several changes to the Canaan Summer camp. The Regional Coordinator worked with Canaan Recreation Commission to create and launch a camp for students entering fourth grade to sixth grade. This program was hosted at Mascoma Valley high School.
Canaan Street Beach and Swim Programs: Canaan Street Beach hosted another year of very successful swim lessons. This year there was a state wide shortage of Lifeguards and instructors. The Canaan Street Beach Swim lessons were offered in coordination with the Enfield Recreation. Swim instructors provided a great opportunity of quality Swim instruction at both Canaan Street Beach and Shacoma Beach.
Christmas in Canaan: The Canaan Recreation had a station set up on the common with glow in the dark candy cane fishing, glow ring toss and a snowball toss game. The station was well attended. We appreciate all the folks who took the time to fill out the surveys.

Arts and Crafts program ran on Fridays for three weeks after school in December. Canaan Elementary students participated The program was a huge hit with 18 students participating and still more interested.
Canaan Recreation Commission
Bev Chapman, Out-Going Town Recreation Coordinator
Chelsea Martin, Town Recreation Coordinator